I had a wonderful experience at the very first Woollinn festival, which took place in May in Dublin, Ireland. I travelled up the previous night from Galway, to be ready for my early start! I took a workshop with Karie Westmann, who was such an informative teacher, I couldn't recommend her workshops more highly : ) We were an international bunch, with participants from Ireland, Iceland, Germany, Poland, Portugal and the United States.

Lovely lunch after the workshop, with some friendly Icelandic knitters, and then down to the marketplace. The selection was H-U-G-E! I was full of good intentions of not buying anything until I had completed a full circuit, but I fell off the wagon when I was half way around (when I spotted a skein which was 45% dog hair - I kid you not!) Check out my Instagram (www.instagram.com/aranaccessories) for a full breakdown of exactly what I bought, it was a wonderful selection if I say so myself!!
It was also a very welcoming festival, with many designers happy to chat and answer questions. Carol Feller had some really exciting knits which are from her new book (coming out in August), including a shawl which took inspiration from the Newgrange spirals.
The good feelings from Woollinn continued when I found out a week or two later that I had won a raffle I had entered! Hooray!
The raffle was by Apple Oak Fibre Works, and I won this beautiful hamper from them.

Woollinn have already pencilled in the dates for the second festival (mid-June next year), and I for one can't wait : )